My Experience: When to Call Your Trademark Attorney – Recognizing Signs of Trademark Infringement

As a business owner, I’ve learned that protecting my brand isn’t just about coming up with a unique logo or business name. It’s about safeguarding that identity from potential threats. One of the scariest moments for any business owner is discovering that another company may be infringing on your trademark.

When I first realized there might be a case of trademark infringement against my brand, I wasn’t sure what to do. It started with a few unsettling signs: customers were confused, asking if my company had expanded or changed names. Then, I stumbled across a website that was using a name and logo eerily similar to mine. That’s when I knew it was time to call my trademark attorney.

Here’s what I learned through my experience with trademark infringement, and how to recognize the signs that it’s time to get your trademark attorney involved.

1. Customer Confusion: The First Red Flag

One of the first signs that led me to suspect trademark infringement was customer confusion. It began with a few phone calls and emails from clients, asking if my business had recently partnered with another company or if I had opened a new branch in a neighboring state.

At first, I thought it was just a coincidence, but then more messages followed. Some customers even mentioned receiving promotional emails from a company with a similar name and logo, thinking it was coming from my business. This was a clear warning sign.

Infringement often starts subtly, with another business using a name, logo, or slogan that’s too close to yours. If customers are having a hard time telling the difference between your brand and someone else’s, it’s time to investigate. Customer confusion is one of the strongest indicators of potential infringement, and I quickly realized it was something I couldn’t ignore.

2. Discovering a Similar Business Online

After receiving multiple inquiries from confused customers, I decided to do a little digging on my own. I conducted a simple Google search, typing in my business name and relevant keywords, and that’s when I stumbled upon a company using a name almost identical to mine. Not only that, but their logo shared similar design elements and colors.

This was alarming. It’s one thing to have a company in a completely different industry using a similar name, but when the business is operating in the same space as you, the problem becomes more serious. Direct competitors infringing on your trademark can dilute your brand, cause market confusion, and lead to a loss of customers.

Finding a suspiciously similar business is a huge red flag and a surefire sign that it’s time to call your trademark attorney. They have the tools and expertise to investigate further and determine if your trademark rights are being violated.

3. Drop in Sales or Online Traffic

One of the more subtle signs of trademark infringement that I noticed was a sudden and unexplained drop in sales and website traffic. At first, I didn’t think much of it—businesses can have slow periods for a variety of reasons. But when I combined this trend with the customer confusion and the discovery of the similar business, it all started to make sense.

Trademark infringement can affect your bottom line. If another company is using a similar name, logo, or branding, they might be pulling potential customers away from you. Worse yet, if the other company is offering inferior products or services, it can harm your reputation by association.

When I noticed my sales were taking a hit, I knew it was time to involve my trademark attorney. They helped me connect the dots and gather evidence of how the infringement was impacting my business. If you notice a dip in sales or traffic and can’t explain it with typical market conditions, it’s worth considering whether trademark infringement might be the cause.

4. Seeing Your Brand in Unexpected Places

One day, I was scrolling through social media, and to my surprise, I saw an ad that looked very familiar. It had my business’s color scheme, design style, and even used a similar tagline. The only problem? It wasn’t my company. Another business had created an ad that was almost indistinguishable from mine.

This was a clear case of brand misappropriation. If you see your brand (or something too close for comfort) being used by another company online or in advertisements, that’s a strong indicator that they may be infringing on your trademark.

For me, this was the final straw. Seeing my brand’s identity being co-opted by someone else was not only frustrating but damaging to my business. I immediately called my attorney to begin the process of addressing this issue legally.

5. Receiving Negative Reviews for Services You Didn’t Provide

This was one of the most frustrating signs of potential trademark infringement I encountered. I started getting negative reviews for products or services that I had never offered. These reviews were coming from customers who had clearly mistaken my business for the infringer’s.

These negative reviews were not only damaging to my reputation, but they were also affecting my business’s credibility. Potential clients were being misled into thinking I was responsible for subpar services provided by another company. This was a classic case of trademark infringement where another business’s actions were directly harming my brand.

If you find yourself in a situation where you're getting complaints or bad reviews for something you didn’t do, it’s time to get legal help. Your trademark attorney can assist in identifying whether this confusion stems from a similar brand and can guide you on the best course of action.

6. Unfamiliar Trademark Filings

During one of my discussions with my attorney, they recommended setting up trademark monitoring services to track any new trademark applications similar to my own. Not long after, we received an alert about another company trying to file for a trademark that was very close to mine.

This could have gone unnoticed if I hadn’t been vigilant. Watching for similar filings is important because once someone secures a trademark, it becomes much harder to challenge their right to use it. Early detection gave me the opportunity to oppose their application and protect my brand from potential infringement.

It’s easy to miss this on your own, but your attorney can keep an eye out for suspicious filings and take action to defend your rights. If you suspect a competitor is attempting to register a similar trademark, it’s essential to bring in your attorney to help you navigate the opposition process.

7. Taking Action: What My Trademark Attorney Did

Once I had all the signs pointing toward trademark infringement, I immediately called my attorney. They reviewed the evidence I had gathered—customer emails, screenshots of the infringing website, and social media ads—and began a thorough investigation.

My attorney advised me on the next steps, which included sending a cease-and-desist letter to the infringing company. This formal letter outlined the trademark rights I held and demanded that they stop using my brand’s identity. In many cases, a cease-and-desist letter can resolve the issue without going to court.

However, my attorney also prepared me for the possibility of litigation if the other business refused to comply. Fortunately, in my case, the infringing company stopped using the name and logo after receiving the letter, which saved me the time and expense of a legal battle.

Conclusion: Don’t Wait to Call Your Attorney

The biggest lesson I learned from my experience with trademark infringement is that you can’t wait to act. If you notice any signs of infringement—whether it’s customer confusion, a similar business popping up online, or a decline in sales—it’s crucial to call your trademark attorney right away.

Your attorney will help you assess the situation, gather evidence, and take the appropriate legal action to protect your brand. The sooner you act, the better chance you have of resolving the issue before it causes serious damage to your business.

Don’t wait until it’s too late. If you think your trademark might be infringed upon, trust your instincts and get your attorney involved as soon as possible.

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13950 Milton Ave. Suite 300, Westminster, CA 92683, United States



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